Windows 7 for You: Simplifies Everyday Tasks
Easy to Connect PCs and Manage Devices
Device Stage
Do you have a lot of digital devices like phones, music players, or digital cameras? Device Stage helps you manage all of your devices more efficiently by showing you the status of each and displaying the common things you can do with them in a single familiar window. When you connect portable devices such as digital cameras and cell phones to your PC, you’ll see a photo realistic image right on the taskbar. From there, you can easily launch the Device
Stage for that device or quickly access tasks for the device with a
Each Device Stage window has the same
Device stage shows you the status of your devices and the common things you can do with them.
Device Stage supports PCs too. If a desktop or laptop PC maker chooses to create content for device stage, you’ll see your PC in the Device Stage screen. Just
Monitor Support
LCD monitors are becoming more popular because of their slim size, crisp text, and superior graphics capabilities. However, you might not be getting all the benefits from your LCD monitor that you could. Windows 7 improves support for
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