Chapter 3: Software Installation
•Configure your chosen Call Signal type
oH.323 (not supported by –SS and –FX series)
Use Fast Start (may be needed for
Signaling Port (default is 1720)
Register with Gatekeeper (needed if the VOIP is to be controlled by a gatekeeper)
Allow Incoming Calls Through Gatekeeper Only
Gatekeeper RAS Parameters
•Enter parameters for Primary and any Alternate Gatekeepers
•RAS TTL Value (“Time To Live” in seconds)
•Gatekeeper Discovery Polling Interval (time between attempts connecting to gatekeepers)
•Use Online Alternate Gatekeeper List
H.323 Version 4 Options (detailed descriptions of these can be found in Chapter 4)
Signaling Port (default is 5060)
Use SIP Proxy (enable to work with a proxy server)
Allow Incoming Calls Through SIP Proxy Only
SIP Proxy Parameters
•Enter information for Primary and any Alternate Proxy servers
•Append SIP Proxy Domain Name in User ID
•Enter User Name and Password
•Proxy Polling Interval (time between proxy server connect attempts)
•TTL Value (in seconds)
oSPP (not supported by –SS series)
Mode (Direct, Client or Registrar)
Signaling Port (must be unique for any VOIP unit behind same firewall)
Retransmission (time before retransmission of lost packets)
Max Retransmission (number of retransmission attempts)
Client Options
•Enter information for the Primary and Alternate Registrars
•Polling Interval (time between connect attempts)
Keep Alive (time out for client
Behind Proxy/NAT device
•Enter Public IP of Proxy/NAT server
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