| Chapter 5: Phonebook Configuration |
| Add/Edit Outbound Phone Book: Field Definitions (continued) |
| |
| Field Name | Values | Description |
| SIP Fields |
| Use Proxy | Y/N | Select if proxy server is used. |
| Transport | TCP or | VOIP administrator must choose between UDP and TCP transmission |
| Protocol | UDP | protocols. UDP is a |
| where data is transmitted without acknowledgment, guaranteed delivery, |
| |
| |
| or guaranteed packet sequence integrity. TCP is slower connection- |
| oriented protocol with greater overhead, but having acknowledgment and |
| guarantees delivery and packet sequence integrity. |
| SIP Port | 5060 or other | The SIP Port Number is a UDP logical port number. The VOIP will “listen” |
| Number | *See RFC 3087 (“Control of | for SIP messages at this logical port. If SIP is used, 5060 is the default, |
| Service Context using SIP | standard or “well known” port number to be used. If 5060 is not used, then |
| the port number used is that specified in the SIP Request URI (Universal |
| |
| Network Working Group). | Resource Identifier). |
| SIP URL | sip.userphone@hostserver, | Looking similar to an email address, a SIP URL identifies a user's |
| where “userphone” is the | address. |
| telephone number and | In SIP communications, each caller or callee is identified by a SIP URL: |
| “hostserver” is the domain | sip:user_name@host_name. The format of a sip URL is very similar to an |
| name or an address on the | email address, except that the “sip:“ prefix is used. |
| network |
| SPP Fields | The |
| Use | Y/N | Select this checkbox to use registrar when VOIP system is operating in |
| Registrar |
| |
| the “Registrar/Client” SPP mode. In this mode, one VOIP (the registrar, as |
| |
| set in Phonebook Configuration screen) has a static IP address and all |
| other VOIPs (clients) point to the registrar’s IP address as functionally |
| their own. However, if your VOIP system overall is operating in |
| “Registrar/Client” mode but you want to make an exception and use Direct |
| mode for the destination pattern of this particular Add/Edit Phonebook |
| entry, leave this checkbox unselected. Also do not select this if your |
| overall VOIP system is operating in the Direct SPP mode – in this mode |
| all VOIPs are peers with unique static IP addresses. |
| Port Number | numeric | When operating in “Registrar/Client” mode, this is the port by which the |
| gateway receives all SPP data and control messages from the registrar |
| gateway. (This ability to receive all data and messages via one port |
| allows the VOIP to operate behind a firewall with only one port open.) |
| When operating in “Direct” mode, this is the Port by which peer VOIPs |
| receive data and messages. |
| Alternate | numeric | Phone number associated with alternate IP routing. |
| Phone |
| Number |
| Remote | Y/N | When checked, this MultiVOIP can operate with |
| Device is |
| MultiVOIP units in the same IP network. These include MVP- |
| [legacy |
| 110/120/200/400/800. |
| VOIP] |
| This is not available for the |
| Advanced | Gives access to secondary | screen where an Alternate IP Route can be specified for backup or |
| button | redundancy of signal paths. For SIP & H.323 operation only. |
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