Chapter5 ATSerial Hardware Installation, Verification, and Configuration
SerialHardware and Software for Win dows 5-14
Determine Which Physical Port Is Associated
with COMx
For every port of the newly installed serial interface, double-click on the
name of the serial port in the Device Manager. Then, click on the Port
Settings tab. The top of this page displays the serial number of the serial
hardware,and the physical port number starting at 1. On all serial hardware,
so on.
Whenyou have finished verifying the driver installation and physical port,
proceed to thenext section.
Run the Diagnostic Test
To verify and test the installation, run the diagnostic program that came
with your NI-Serial software. The diagnostic program verifies that your
serialdriver is installed properly,that the configurationof your hardware
does not conflict with anything else in your system, and that the serial
drivercan communicate with your hardware correctly.
Torun the test, select the diagnostics item under Start»Programs»
National Instruments Serial.
Ift he diagnostic test completes with no failures, your serial hardware
and softwareare installed properly. If it fails, refer to Appendix D,
Troubleshootingand Comm on Questions, for troubleshooting instructions.
Afteryou verify the hardware and software installation, connect the cables.
See Appendix A, Connector Descriptions, for information about cable
Configure Communication Port Settings
Theserial configuratio n utility is fully integrated into the Windows Me/9x
Device Manager. You can use it to view or change the configuration of
your serial ports.
Followthese steps to configure the serial port. R epeat the configuration
procedurefor each serialport in your system.
1. Select Start»Settings»Control Panel and double-click on the
System icon. The System Properties windowappears.
2. Selectthe Device Manager tab, and click on the View devices by type
buttonat the top of the page.