Chapter4 PCMCIASerial Hardware Installation, Verification, and Configuration
SerialHardware and Software for Win dows 4-20
5. Click on Delete to removehardware informati on about the port from
WindowsNT. Youshould d o this before you physically removeyour
PCMCIA card.
6. Click on Add to configureresources for a newPCMCIA card.
General Port Settings
Thissection describes the options you can set in the General Port Settings
dialog box, shown in Figure 4-11.
Figure4-11. General Port Settings Dialog Box
COM Port Number
Youcan use the COM Port Number control to change the COMxname of
the port selected.
The transceiver mode selection shows the transceiver mode in use, and
appliesonly to PCMCIA-485 cards. Refer to Chapter 6, Using Y our Serial
Hardware,for mo re information about transceiver modes. If you use
two-wire TXRDYmode, FIFOs must be enabled.