Chapter3 PXISerial Hardware Installation, Verification, and Configuration
©NationalInstruments Corporation 3-19 SerialHardware and Software for Windows
6. Screwthe PXI serial board front panel to the front panel mounting rail
ofthe PXI or CompactPCI chassis.
7. Turnon your PXI or CompactPCI chassis and start Windows NT.
The serial hardware installation is complete. Continue to the next section,
Verify the Installation.
Verify the Installation
To verify the hardware and software installation, complete the following
1. Determine whichphysical port is associated with COMx, as f ollows:
a. Select Start»Settings»Control Panel and double-click on the
A list of installed National Instruments ports with their logical
COMxnamesappears. If yo ur interface is not on this list, refer to
Appendix D, Troubleshooting and Common Questions.
b. Select the COM port that you want to verify and click on the
TheGeneral Port Settings dialog box displays th e serial number
oft he serial hardwareand the physical port number startin g at 1.
Forall serial hard ware,P ORT1refers to the top port, PORT2
refers to the nextport down, and so on.
2. Run the diagnostic utility,as follows: select
Start»Programs»National Instruments Serial»diagnostics.
The diagnostic utility verifiesthat your seri ald riveris installed
properly,that the configuration of your hardware does not conflict with
anythingelse in your system, and that the serial driver can
communicate with your hardwarecorrectly.
Ifthe test is successful, your serial hardware and software are installed
properly.If the test fails, refer to Appendix D, Troubleshooting and
Common Questions, to troubleshoot the problem.
3. Afteryou verify the hardware and software installation, connect the
cables.S ee Appendix A, Connector Descriptions, for information
aboutcable connections.