Chapter4 PCMCIASerial Hardware Installation, Verification, and Configuration
©NationalInstruments Corporation 4-3 SerialHardware and Software for Windows
Figure4 -1 showshow to insert a PCMCIA serial card and how to connect
the cable.
Figure4-1. Insertinga PCMCIA Serial Card
The serial hardware installation is complete. Continue to the next section,
Verify the Installation.
Verify the Installation
To verify the hardware and software installation, complete the following
1. Select Start»Settings»Control Panel and double-click on the
System icon.
2. ClickontheHardwaretabandclickontheDevice Manager button.
3. Double-click on the Ports (COM & LPT) icon to display all of
the ports.
4. Double-click on the Multi-function adapters icon.
The PCMCIA serial cardsare configured as devices belonging to the
multi-function adapters class. The multi-function parent device is
listedun der the Multi-function adapters icon, and each child device
is listed as ap ortu nder the Ports (COM & LPT)icon.
1PCMCIASocket 2 PCMCIA Serial Cable