AppendixD Troubleshootingand Common Questions
SerialHardware and Software for Win dows D-12
5. Selectthe interfacethat Windows Me/9xdid not detect, as shown in
FigureD -2. (This exampleshows a PCI interface.)
FigureD-2. Ports List in Device Manager
6. Click on the Remove button.
7. Click on the OK button to removethe serial hardware information.
8. Repeat steps 5 through 7 until you haveremoved all serial interfaces.
9. Click on the Refresh button.
10. WindowsMe/9 xshouldautomatically detect your hardware and
display one or more New Hardware Founddialo g boxes.Your
operatingsystem (Windows Me/9x)mayshowtheWindowsDefault
Driver option. If so, make sure the WindowsDefault Driver is
selectedand click on the OK button. If th e Windows Default Driver
option is not shown, the installation continues automatically.