AppendixD Troubleshootingand Common Questions
SerialHardware and Software for Win dows D-10
Diagnostic Utility Does Not Show All Installed Ports
Ifthe dia gnostic utility does not showall the ports you installed, complete
the followingsteps:
1. Verifythe hardware resources, as follows:
a. In the Device Manager tab, under Multi-function adapters,
double-click on a serial board.
b. Ifa serial board is missing from the Multi-function adapters list,
reinstallthe hardware and software. For instructions on how to do
so,refer to the installation and verificationchapter for your
c. ClickontheResourcestab. If the resources were assigned
properly,the Resources tab shows which resources are assigned
to your serial ports.
d. Checkthe hardware resources. If they are in conflict, refer to the
previoussection, Troubleshooti ng Diagnostic Messages.
2. In some versions of WindowsMe/9x, in the Device Manager, the
Drivertab shows information about the installed driver. Make sure that
the National Instruments serial driveris inst alled for the port.
Ifthe serial driveris a Microsoft driver, reinstall the NI-Serial
software.For instructions on how to do so, refer to the installation and
verificationchapter for your hardware platform.
3. Physically make sure the correct number of boards/ports are installed.
Address TestFailed
If the address test failed, Interrupt test cannot be
performederror message appears, you m ight havean address conflict
withlegacy boards in your system. To solve this problem, change the base
addresses assigned to your legacyboards and refer to the Resol ving
Resource Conflicts with Legacy Boards section later in this appendix.
Interrupt TestFailed
If the Interrupt test failederror message appears, you might have
anIRQ confli ct with legacyboards in your system. To solve this problem,
change the IRQ levelassigned to your legacy boards and refer to the next
section, Resolving Resource Conflicts with Legacy Boards.