AppendixD Troubleshootingand Common Questions
SerialHardware and Software for Win dows D-22
Interrupt TestFailed
If the Interrupt test failederror message appears, you might have
anIRQ confli ct with legacyboards in your system. To solve this problem,
change the IRQ levelassigned to your legacy boards. For instructions on
howto do so, refer to your legacy board documentation.
Common Questions
Howcan I determine which type of serial hardwareI have installed?
Todisplay a list of installed ports, select Start»Settings»Control Panel
anddouble-clickonthe niportsicon.
Howcan I determine which version of the NI-Serial software I have
TheRead Mefile gives the version of the software. To open the file, select
Start»Programs»National Instruments Serial»Read Me.
Whatdo I do if the diagnostic test fails with an error?
Refert o the Troubleshooting Diagnostic Messages section earlier in this
Howcan I determine which port is associated with COMx?
Todetermine which physical port is associated with COMx, complete the
1. Select Start»Settings»Control Panel and double-click on the
niports icon.
Alist of installed N ational Instruments ports with their logical COMx
namesappears. If your interface is not on this list, refer tothe Missing
Serial Port in the niports List section earlier in this appendix.
2. SelectaCOMportandclickontheSettingsbutton.
The GeneralP ort Settings dialogbox displays the serial number of
the serial hardwareand the physical port number starting at 1. For all
serialhardware, PORT1 refers to the top port, PORT2 refers to the next
port down,and so on.
Howcan I change the COM numbers of my National Instruments
Referto the general port settings sect ion in the installation and verification
chapterfor your hardware platform.