AppendixB SerialPort Information
©NationalInstruments Corporation B-5 SerialHardware and Software for Windows
TerminationBecause eachdifferential pair of wires is a transmission line, you must
properly terminate the line to preventreflections. A common method of
terminatinga t wo-wire multidrop RS-485 network is to install terminating
resistors at eachend of the multidrop network. If you daisy-chained
multiple instruments together,you need a terminating resisto ra t onlyt he
firstand last instruments. The termin ating resistor should match the
characteristicimped ance of the transmission line (typically 100 to 120 Ω).
Youcan order an optional DB-9 RS-485 termination connector that
contains embedded terminating resistors for easy termination from
National Instruments. For ordering information, contact National
Figure B-3 showsa multidrop network using terminating resistors.
FigureB-3. MultidropNetwork Usi ng TerminatingResistors
Bias ResistorsA transmission line enters an indeterminate state if no nodes are
transmitting on it.This indeterminatestate can cause the receivers to
receiveinvalid data bits from noise picked up on the cable. Toprevent a line
fromreceiving these data bits, force the transmission line into a known
state.To do so, install two 620 Ωbias resistors at one node on the
transmissionline; doing so creates a voltagedividerthat forces the voltage
between the differentialpair to be greater than 200 mV, the threshold
voltagefor the receiver. Youshould install these resistors on only one node.
Note Bias resistorsare n otavailable on the eight-port PCI-485 or eight-port PXI-8421.
Slave2 Slaven
Tx Rx Tx Rx Tx Rx