©NationalInstruments Corporation xiii SerialHardware and Software for Windows
About This ManualThis manual contains instructions to help you install and configure the
National Instruments serial hardwarean d the NI-Serial software for
Windows2000/NT/Me/9x. This manual includes inform ation about the
followingserial hardware:
• PCI-232/2, PCI-232/4, PCI-232/8, PCI-232/16, PCI-485/2,
PCI-485/4, and PCI-485/8 boards in both isolated and nonisolated
• PXI-8420 (two, four,eight, and 16 port), PXI-8 421 (two,f our,and
eight port), PXI-8422 (two and four port), and PXI-8423 (two and
four port)
• PCMCIA-232, PCMCIA-232/2, PCMCIA-232/4, PCMCIA-485, and
• AT-232/2,AT-232/4,AT-485/2,and AT-485/4boards in both isolated
and nonisolatedversions
This manual assumes that you are already familiarwith
The followingconventions appear in this manual:
»The»symbol leads you through nested menu items and dial og box options
to a finalaction. Th e sequence File»Page Setup»Options directs you to
pull downthe File menu, select the Page Setup item, and select Options
from the last dialog box.
♦The ♦symbol indicates that the following textappl ieso nly to a specific
product, a specificoperating system, or a specific software version.
This icon denotes a note, which alerts you to important information.
This icon denotes a caution, which advises you of precautions to take to
avoidinjury, data loss, or a system crash.
ATserial boards ATserial boards refers to all port versions of the ATserial boards.