AppendixD Troubleshootingand Common Questions
©NationalInstruments Corporation D-5 SerialHardware and Software for Windows
3. Double-click on the Ports (COM & LPT) icon.
4. Double-click on the port you want to configure.
5. ClickonthePortSettings tab.
6. ClickontheAdvancedbutton.Th eA dvancedSettings dialog b ox
should pop up.
7. Change the COM number in the COM PortNumber field. (You can
usea COM number that is designated as in use, as long as nohardware
is actually using that COM number.)
Howdo I remove information about serial boards from the Device
Referto the hardware uninstallatio ns ection for your hardware platform in
Appendix C, Uninstalling the Hardware and Software.
Whati s the maximum baud rate supported and howcan I set it?
The maximum baud rate supported is 460.8 Kbaud for RS-485 and
115.2 Kbaud for RS-232. Toset the baud rate, use the SetCommState
Win32function and pass the actual value of the baud rate in the BaudRate
field of the DCB structure.