AppendixC Uninstallingthe Hardware and Software
©NationalInstruments Corporation C-9 SerialHardware and Software for Windows
4. From the Multi-function adapters list, select the National
Instrumentsinterface that you want to uninstall, as shown in
Figure C-5.
FigureC-5. Selectingan Interface to Uninstall
5. ClickontheRemovebutton.
6. In the ConfirmDevice Removal dialog box, click on the OK button
to removethe hardware information, o rclick on t he Cancel buttonto
cancelyour request.
Uninstall the Software
Beforeyou uninstall the NI-Serial software, you must remove the hardware
information from your system, as described in the previous section.
Touninstall the NI-Serial software, complete the following steps:
1. SelectStart»Set tings»Control Panel.
2. Double-clickon the Add/Remove Programs icon. The Add/Remove
Programs dialog box appears. This dialog box lists the software that
you can uninstall.