Chapter4 PCMCIASerial Hardware Installation, Verification, and Configuration
©NationalInstruments Corporation 4-13 SerialHardware and Software for Windows
Afteryou verify the hardware and software installation, connect the cables.
See Appendix A, Connector Descriptions, for information about cable
Configure Communication Port Settings
Theserial configuration utility is fully integrated w ith the Windows Me/9x
DeviceManager. You can use it to examine or modifythe configuration of
the serial port.
Followthese steps to configure the serial port. R epeat the configuration
procedurefor each serial port in your system.
1. SelectStart»Settings»Control Panel and double-click on the System
icon. The System Properties windowa ppears.
2. Selectthe Device Manager tab, and click on the View devices by type
buttonat the top of the page.
3. Double-click on the Ports (COM & LPT) icon.
4. Double-click on the name of the port you want to configure.
Youcan now view or change information about your serial port in the
•ClickontheResourcestab to view information about the hardware
resources assigned to the serial port.
•ClickonthePort Settingstab to view information about the software
configurationfor the serial port. Refer to the next section, Port Settings
Tab, for moreinformation.
•Onthe Port Settin gs tab,clickontheAdvancedbuttonto change the
RS-485transceiver mode and to enable or disable the FIFOs on the
serialhardware. Refer to the next section, Port Settin gs Tab,formore
Note If you use two-wire TXRDY mode, FIFOs must be enabled. Transceiver modes
apply toRS-485 interfaces only. For more information about transceiver modes, refer to
Chapter6, Using Your Serial Hardware.
Afteryou have selected the serial port parameters for the current port, click
onthe OK button to save the changes or click on the Cancel button to exit
the dialog box without savingch anges.