Chapter1 Introduction
©NationalInstruments Corporation 1-9 SerialHardware and Software for Windows
Measurement Studio bundlesLabWindows/CVI for C programmers,
ComponentWorksfor Microsoft Visual C++ programmers, and
ComponentWorks++for Microsoft Visual C++ programmers.
MeasurementStudio is designed for building measurement and automation
applications with the programming environment of your choice:
LabWindows/CVIis an interactiveANSI C programming environment
designed for buildingvi rtual instrument applications.
LabWindows/CVIdelivers a drag-and-drop editor for building user
interfaces,a complete ANSI C environment for building your test
programlogic, and a collection of automated code generation tools,as
well as utilities for building automated test systems, monitoring
applications,o r laboratory experiments.
ComponentWorksfor Visual Basic is a collection of ActiveX controls
designedfor building virtual instrumentation systems. Based on
ActiveXtechnology, ComponentWorks controls are configured
through simple property pages. Youcan use the ComponentWorks
GPIB, Serial, and VISA I/O controls and property pages to set up
communicationwith your instruments.
ComponentWorks++for Visual C++ takes advantage of integrated
C++ librariesand A ctiveXto help you build measurement and
automation applications. Withthe ComponentWorks++ instrument
classes, you can use the IEEE 488.2 library and VISA, an
industry-standard I/O library,to communicate with GPIB, V XI, or
Serial devicesusing the same set o f components.
Afteryou inst all your serial hardwareand th eNI-Serial soft ware, you can
use standard serial I/O functions in LabVIEW and Measurement Studio
with your serialinterface. If you already have one or more of these
applications and wantto use them with your serial interface, refer to your
product documentation for information about serial I/O functions. For
ordering information, contact National Instruments.