AppendixC Uninstallingthe Hardware and Software
©NationalInstruments Corporation C-15 SerialHardware and Software for Windows
Uninstall the Software
Before uninstalling the software, removeall serial port inform ation from
theWindows Me/9xDevice Manager, as described in the previous section.
Youdo not need to shut down Windows Me/9xbefore uninstalling the
Completethe following steps to remove the NI-Serial software:
1. Select Start»Settings»Control Panel.
2. Double-clickon the Add/Remove Programs icon in the Control Panel
to launch the Add/RemovePrograms applet . The Add/Remove
Programs Properties dialog box appears. This dialog box lists the
softwareavailable for removal.
3. Select the serial software you want to remove,an dcl ick on the
Add/Remove button.The un install program runs and removes all
folders, programs, VxDs, DLLs, and registry entries associated with
the NI-Serial software.
4. Removeyour PCMCIA card from your computer.
Toreinstall the hardware and software, refer to Chapter 4, PCMCIA Serial
Hardware Installation, Verification, and Configuration.
Windows NT
Uninstall the Hardware
Before physically removing the serial hardware, you must remove the
hardwareinformation from the Windows NT Control Panel.
Followthese steps to uninstall the hardware:
1. Double-click on the niports icon under Start»Settings»Control
2. Selectthe port to remove from the list of ports as shown in Figure C-9.