©NationalInstruments Corporation G-3 SerialHardware and Software for Windows
MB megabytesof memory
PC personalcomputer
PCI Peripheral Components Interconnect
RAM random-access memory
RI ring indicator
RTS requestto send
RX receive
RXD receivedata—the overscore denotes that the signal is active low
s seconds
SCSI Small Computer System s Interface
TX transmit
TXD transmit data—the overscoredenotes th at the signal is activelow
TXRDY transmitready—the overscore denotes that the signal is active low
UART UniversalAsy nchronous Receiver/Transmitter
V volts
VDC volts direct current
VXI VME eXtensions for Instrumentation
Win16 describes a 16-bit Windowsapplication
Win32 describes a 32-bit Windowsapplication