AppendixD Troubleshootingand Common Questions
SerialHardware and Software for Win dows D-18 ni.com
Windows NT
Missing Serial Port in the niports ListPCI and PXI BoardsThe serial configuration utility contains configuration information for
serial hardware that is installed in your system.
Tostart the configuration utility, select Start»Settings»Control Panel
anddouble-clickonthe niports icon.
Ify our PCI or PXI serial hardware is missing from this list, complete the
1. Physically makesure that your bo ard is installed properly.
2. Makesure that the Nati onal Instruments serial driveris installed,
a. Locate serial.sys in the WinNT\system32\drivers
b. Right-click on serial.sys and select Properties.
c. ClickontheVersiontab. If the Company Name is Microsoft,
the National Instruments serial driveris not installed properl y.
Tosolve this problem, reinstall the NI-Serial software. For
instructionson how to do so, refer to the installation and
verificationchapter for your hardware platform.
AT Boa rdsTheserial configuration utility niports contains configuration information
for serial hardware it is aware of that is installed in your system.
Tostart the configuration utility, select Start»Settings»Control Panel,
anddouble-clickonthe niports icon.
If your ATserial board is missing from the list, follow these steps:
1. Makesure the h ardware is installed.
2. Makesure yo u haveinstalled the Microsoft P nP ISA Enabler driver.
niports cannot recognize the ATboards without the Microsoft PnP
ISA Enabler driver.For more information, refer to the Installing the
Microsoft PnP ISA Enabler Driver section of Chapter 5, AT Serial
Hardware Installation, Verification, and Configuration.