AppendixC Uninstallingthe Hardware and Software
©NationalInstruments Corporation C-13 SerialHardware and Software for Windows
5. Choose the Uninstall... option.
6. In the ConfirmDevice Removal dialog box, click on the OK button
to removethe hardware information, o rclick on t he Cancel buttonto
cancelyour request.
Uninstall the Software
Beforeyou uninstall the NI-Serial software, you must remove the hardware
information from your system, as described in the previous section.
Touninstall the NI-Serial software, complete the following steps:
1. Select Start»Settings»Control Panel.
2. Double-clickon the Add/Remove Programsicon. The Add/Remove
Programs dialog box appears. This dialog box lists the software that
you can uninstall.
3. Select NI-Serial andclick on the Change/ Remove button.The
uninstallation program removes all folders, utilities, and registry
entries associated with the NI-Serial software.
4. Removethe PCMCIA serial interface from your system.
The uninstallation program removes only items that the setup wizard
installed.If you added anything to a directory that the setup wizard created,
theuninstallation program does not delete thatdirectory. You must remove
anyremaining components yourself.
Toreinstall the hardware and software, refer to Chapter 4, PCMCIA Serial
Hardware Installation, Verification, and Configuration.
Windows Me/9x
Uninstall the Hardware
Before physically removing the serial hardware, you must remove the
hardwarei nformation from the WindowsMe/9xDevice Manager.
Followthese steps to uninstall the hardware:
1. Double-click on the System icon under Start»Settings»Control
Panel.TheSystem Properties dialog box appears.
2. Select the Device Manager tab.
3. ClickontheView devices by typebutton.
4. Double-click on the Ports (COM & LPT) icon.