AppendixD Troubleshootingand Common Questions
©NationalInstruments Corporation D-11 SerialHardware and Software for Windows
Resolving Resource Conflicts with Legacy Boards
Resourceconflicts typicallyoccur if y our systemcontains legacyboards
thatuse resources that are not reserved properly. If a resource conflict
exists,write down the resource that caused the conflict and refer to the
Microsoft WindowsMe/9xusers guide for instructions on how to use the
DeviceManager to reserve I/O and IRQ resources for legacy boards.
Forcing Windows to Detect YourHardwarePCI and PXI Hardware
IfWindows Me/9xdid not display the New Hardware Found dialog box,
it did not detect your hardware. Tosolve this problem, complete the
1. Select Start»Settings»Control Panel and double-click on the
System icon.
2. ClickontheDevice ManagertabandclickontheView devices by
type button.
3. Double-click on the Other Devices icon. WindowsMe/9xlists the
boards it does not recognize under Other Devices.
4. Double-click on the Multi-function adapters icon, where
WindowsMe/9xlists the parent devices of the PCI or PXI ports.