Chapter4 PCMCIASerial Hardware Installation, Verification, and Configuration
©NationalInstruments Corporation 4-19 SerialHardware and Software for Windows
Ift he diagnostic test completes with no failures, your serial hardware and
softwareare installed properly. If it fails, refer to Appendix D,
Troubleshootingand Comm on Questions, for troubleshooting instructions.
Afteryou verify the hardware and software installation, connect the cables.
See Appendix A, Connector Descriptions, for information about cable
Configure Communication Port Settings
The serial configuration utility is fully integrated with the Windows NT
ControlPanel. You can use it to examine or modify the configuration of the
serial port.
Followthese steps to configure the serial port.
1. SelectStart»Settings»Control Panel and double-click on the niports
icon. A list of National Instruments ports appears, as shown in
Figure 4-10.
Figure4-10. niportsConfiguration Utility
2. Select the port you are interested in.
3. ClickontheSettingsbutton to view or configurethe port settings.
Referto the next section, GeneralPortSettings,for more information.
4. ClickontheResourcesbutton in the General Port Settings dialog
box to viewor configure the resources for the port. Refer tothe
Resource Settings section, for more information.