AppendixD Troubleshootingand Common Questions
©NationalInstruments Corporation D-15 SerialHardware and Software for Windows
Howcan I determine which version of the NI-Serial software I have
TheRead Mefile gives the version of the software. To open the file, select
Start»Programs»National Instruments Serial»Read Me.
Whatdo I do if the diagnostic test fails with an error?
Refert o the Troubleshooting Diagnostic Messages section earlier in this
Howcan I determine which port is associated with COMx?
Todetermine which physical port is associated with COMx, complete the
1. Inthe Device Manager tab, under Ports (COM & LPT), double-click
on a serial port.
2. Clickon the Port Settings tab to display the serial number of the serial
hardwareand the physical port number starting at 1. For all serial
hardware,PORT1 refers to the top port, PORT2 refers to the next port
down,and so on.
Howcan I change the COM numbers of my National Instruments
Toname serial ports COM1, COM2, COM3, or COM4, change the base
addressof t he port. Todo so, refer to the Troubleshooting Diagnostic
Messagessection earlier in this appendix.
When you change the base address, WindowsMe/9xautomatically
convertsit to the corresponding COM name listed in Table D-1. Youdo not
need to change the IRQ setting for WindowsMe/9xto change the name.
TableD-1. Standard DOS-Based Addresses
COM Port Base Address
COM1 3f8
COM2 2f8
COM3 3e8
COM4 2e8