AppendixD Troubleshootingand Common Questions
©NationalInstruments Corporation D-17 SerialHardware and Software for Windows
FigureD-4. Multi-FunctionAdapter Cla ss in the Device Manager
Howdo I removeinformation about serial boards from the Device
Referto the hardware uninstallation section for your hardware platform and
operatingsystem in Appendix C,Uninstallingthe Hardware andSoftware.
Whati s the maximum baud rate supported and howcan Iset it?
The maximum baud rate supported is 460.8 Kbaud for RS-485 and
115.2 Kbaud for RS-232. Toset the baud rate, use the SetCommState
Win32function and pass the actual value of the baud rate in the BaudRate
field of the DCB structure.
Howmany interrupts are required for my serial interface?
Ifyou have a shared IRQ board or an isolated board, you need one interrupt
perb oard. This is the hardwarethat currentl yships wit h WindowsMe/9x.
Ifyou have an older non-shared IRQ board, you need as many interrupts as
there areports on the board.