Chapter2 PCISerial Hardware Installation, Verification, and Configuration
SerialHardware and Software for Windows 2-4 ni.com
Verify the Installation
To verify the hardware and software installation, complete the following
1. Select Start»Settings»Control Panel and double-click on the
System icon.
2. Click on the Hardware tabandclickontheDevice Manager button.
3. Double-click on the Ports (COM & LPT) icon to display all of
the ports.
4. Double-click on the Multi-function adapters icon.
The PCIserial boards are configuredas devices belonging to the
multi-function adapters class. The multi-function parent device is
listedun der the Multi-function adapters icon, and each child device
is listed as ap ortu nder the Ports (COM & LPT)icon.
Figure 2-2 showsthe Device Manager tab for serial hard warethat is
installed properly.
Figure2-2. Device Manager for PCI Serial Board Ports