AppendixC Uninstallingthe Hardware and Software
SerialHardware and Software for Windows C-10
3. Select the NI-Serial software you wantto un install, and click on the
Add/Removebutton. The uninstallation pro gram removesall fold ers,
utilities,and r egistryentries associated with the NI-Serial software.
4. Shut downWindows Me/9x, turn off your computer, and physically
removethe serial interfaces from your system.
The uninstallation program removesonly i tems that the setup wizard
installed.If you added anything to a directory that the setup wizard created,
theuninstallation program does not delete that directory.Youmust remove
anyremaining components yourself.
Toreinstall the hardware and software, refer to Chapter 3, PXI Serial
Hardware Installation, Verification, and Configuration.
Windows NT
Uninstall the Hardware
Before you physically removethe serial hardware from your system, you
must removethe hardware information. To do so, complete the following
1. LoginasAdministratoror as a user wh o has Administrator
2. SelectStart»Settings»Control Panel and double-click on the niports
icon. From the Ports list, select the port of the board you want to
uninstall, as shownin Figure C-6.
FigureC-6. Selecting an Interface to Uninstall