AppendixD Troubleshootingand Common Questions
SerialHardware and Software for Windows D-6
Windows Me/9x
Freeing an Interrupt Request LevelTofree an interrupt request level for your serial port, you must disable the
devicethat is using the interr upt request level.To view the system-wide
allocationof interrupt request resources and remove a device, complete the
1. Select StartĀ»SettingsĀ»Control Panel and double-click on the
System icon.
2. Click on the Device Manager tab.
3. Double-click on the Computer icon and click on the View
4. ClickontheInterrupt Request (IRQ)button. Scan through the list of
IRQ settingsto d eterminewhich devices are using which interrupt
5. Whenyou locate a device that you are not currently using, click on the
6. In the Device Manager tab, double-click on the icon for that device.
7. Inthe Device usage field, a checkmark appears to the left of the current
configuration,usually Original Configuration (Current).Clickon
the checkbox to removethe checkmark.
8. ClickontheResourcestaband make sure that Use automatic settings
is unchecked.
9. Repeatsteps 7 through 9 for eachunused device.
10. Click on the OK button to save your changes.
11. Restart WindowsMe/9xto assign reso urces to your serial port. Then,
completestep 6 in the installation verification section of the chapter for
your hardwareplatform .