Chapter4 PCMCIASerial Hardware Installation, Verification, and Configuration
SerialHardware and Software for Windows 4-2
8. Windows2000 should automatically detect your hardware and display
the FoundNew Hardware Wizard. Complete the wizard by clicking
Nextin each window and then Finish. When you complete the wizard,
continueto the Verify the Installatio n section.
Ifthe FoundNew Hardware Wizard does not appear, refer to the
Forcing Windows to Detect Your Hardware section in Appendix D,
Troubleshooting and Common Questions.
Install the Hardware
To install the PCMCIA-232 or PCMCIA-485 in your computer, first start
Windows 2000. If the card is not already inserted, insert it into a free PC
Card(PCMCIA) socket the same way you insert a disk into a floppy drive.
The cardhas no jumpers or switches to set, and you do not need to shut
down the system before you insert it.
Windows2000 should automatically detect your hardware and display the
FoundNew Hardware Wizard. Complete the wizard by clicking Next in
each windowand then Finish.
Ifthe FoundNew Hardware Wizard does not appear, refer to the Forcing
Windows to Detect Your Hardware sectioninAppendixD,
Troubleshooting and Common Questions.