Chapter4 PCMCIASerial Hardware Installation, Verification, and Configuration
SerialHardware and Software for Win dows 4-10
Figure4 -5 showshow to insert a PCMCIA serial card and how to connect
the cable.
Figure4-5. Insertinga PCMCIA Serial Card
The serial hardware installation is complete. Continue to the next section,
Verify the Installation.
Verify the Installation
Whenyou begin to verify the installation, keep in mind th at the serial ports
built into the computer are typically named from COM1 to COM4.
Windows Me/9xtypically issues port names to the ports on NI serial
hardwarestarting with COM5, COM6 ,and so o n.If not enou gh resources
are available to assign to all the NI serial ports, the port with the higher
COMxname is left unconfigured.
Double-click on the System icon in the Control Panel. In the System
Propertieswindow that appears, select the Device Manager tab, and click
on the View devices by type buttona t the top of the page. If necessary,
double-click on the Ports (COM & LPT) icon to view all of the ports.
1PCMCIASocket 2 PCMCIA Serial Cable