8-30 User’s Reference Guide

The Budget Setup screen appears.

Connection Budget Setup


Budget 1

Use Connection Profile...

Easy Setup Profile









Time Period...


1st Day of Week...


Choose the Connection Profile this budget is for.

Configuration is similar to the web-based management configuration screens.

Selecting Use Connection Profile displays a pop-up list of all of your connection profiles. Choose the connection profile you want this budget to apply to and press Return.

Toggle Enforced to either On or Off to enforce whether the connection is torn down when the budget limit is reached.

Toggle Override to either On or Off. With Override on you can exceed your budget during the current time period without tearing down active connections. At the end of the current time period this option is automatically deactivated. If you want to be able to exceed your enforced budget again, you must toggle this option to On for each new time period.

Toggling Override to On disables call blocking, even if the call is over its limit. The override flag is automatically reset to be Off at the start of a new period. This is so that you don’t need to set Enforced to Off to by-pass the limit, and then forget to turn it back on when the new period starts.

The Units (Minutes) field is not editable.

In the Limit field enter the number of minutes your budget allows.

From the Time Period pop-up select either Week or Month, depending on your budgeting requirements.

If you set the time period to Week, from the 1st Day of Week pop-up select the day of the week on which your budget starts.

If you set the time period to Month, from the 1st Day of Month pop-up select the day of the month on which your budget starts.

Page 92
Image 92
Netopia R5100, R5300, R5200 manual Budget Setup screen appears