

Background check box 174 background music 147 backgrounds 74, 174 backing up information 16,

22, 251

backlight (keyboard) 30, 223, 244

backlight icon 223 Backspace key 30 Backup folder 196 backup folders 195, 246, 247,

259, 279

Basic Mode (calculator) 187 Basic Mode command 187 basics 281

battery charging 8–10displaying remaining

power on 80 disposing 252 installing 7 maximizing life of 11, 38,

244 replacing 7, 252 viewing status of 10

battery consumption 11 battery door release 6 battery icons 10, 82 Beam Business Card

command 166

Beam Category command


Beam command 201, 202 Beam From pick list 202 Beam Receive pick list 244 Beam Status dialog box 201,

203 beaming

battery life and 11 defined 283 overview 201–203troubleshooting 201, 203 turning off 244

bell 83, 255

billing statements 58 birthdays 171 blank screens 254 blank text messages 97 blank time slots 174 Blazer web browser 114, 275

See also web browser blinking bell 83, 255 Bluetooth application

opening 65

sending from 198, 199 setting trusted pairs in


setting up connections with 134, 136, 208 visibility options in 200

Bluetooth devices connecting to 65, 133–

137, 208

creating partnerships with 131

disabling or enabling 11, 67, 200

incoming calls and 49 receiving information

from 200

receiving phone calls and 67, 267

sending applications over 199

sending information over 198

setting up 65–66synchronizing from 208,

210, 258 troubleshooting 268, 269

Bluetooth icon 65 Bluetooth icons (Phone) 82 BMP files 145

bonus software. See built-in applications

Bookmark Page icon 120 bookmark pages 119 bookmarks 116–120, 201 Bookmarks View 118, 119 Bookmarks View icon 118 border glow (highlight) 26 brightness (screen) 11, 223,

244, 254 brightness duration

(backlight) 223, 244 Brightness slider 244

Using Your Treo 700P Smartphone


Page 310
Image 310
Palm 700P manual Opening Sending from 198, 199 setting trusted pairs