prompt 52 Bluetooth devices 11, 67 cookies 125 Keyguard 37, 232, 233 onscreen buttons 49, 234 synchronization 204 system sounds 221
the touchscreen 232, 234 web page images 116,
124, 125 discovery 200 Discovery icon 132, 135 discovery results list 135 Discovery Results screen
198, 199 discussion groups 282
disk space (smartphone) 277 Display my name in chat
window as entry field 110 Display Options command
Display Options dialog box 173, 174
displaying alerts 83 application information
application menus 28 applications 228, 229 bookmarks 118 connection status 80, 81,
270, 272
contacts information 42 current date and time 189 due dates 179, 181 error messages 280 event categories 174 events 74, 167, 173, 175 favorite buttons 43, 59 items in pick lists 29 multimedia messages
104, 105
signal strength 80 slide shows 147 tasks 174, 179, 181 unread messages 82, 174 video clips 143, 146, 152 video recording time 141 voicemail messages 81 web addresses 124 web pages 114, 116
DOC files 183 documentation 2, 24, 281 Documents application 183–
Documents button 184 Documents To Go icon 183 Documents To Go software
Domino servers 85, 86, 213 downloading
applications 121, 194 email 86
files 121, 193 ringtones 69
support information 281 Wireless Sync software
Downloads bookmark 121
29 drafts 98
drained battery icon 10 draining the battery 8, 10, 11 Draw on Photo command
drawing tools 139 drivers 211
Due Date pick list 178 due dates 177, 178, 181 dummy expansion card 215,
earpiece 5, 49 eBooks 17 echoes 266
Edit Bookmark List dialog box 119
Edit Bookmarks command
Using Your Treo 700P Smartphone | 310 |