My smartphone makes or answers calls when it’s in a bag or pocket
Items in your bag or pocket may be pressing the onscreen Answer button or otherwise activating screen items. If this happens, be sure to
press Power/End to turn off the screen before placing your smartphone in a bag or pocket. You may also want to disable the screen’s
Hands-free devices
I can’t make or receive calls using a Bluetooth
Confirm all the following:
•The device with Bluetooth® wireless technology is compatible with your smartphone. Go to http://www.palm.com/us/support/ bluetooth/treo700p_bluetooth_compatibility.html for a list of compatible devices.
•Go to Applications and select Bluetooth
. Make sure the Bluetooth setting is On.
•You have already formed a partnership between your smartphone and your
•Your Treo smartphone is within range of the
To find carrying cases that can help prevent your smartphone from making calls, as well as other useful accessories, visit
www.palm.com/ mytreo700pVerizon.
Bluetooth range is up to 30 feet in optimum environmental conditions. Performance and range may be affected by physical obstacles, radio interference from nearby electronic equipment, and other factors.
Using Your Treo 700P Smartphone | 268 |