home page 124
home page icon 116, 124 HotSync Manager 210, 211,
HotSync Manager icon 210, 258
HotSync Setup button 209 HotSync technology 284 hypertext links. See web
icons 114, 229 Ignore button 46
Ignore with Text button 46 image file types 100, 121,
145 images
disabling web page 116, 124, 125
downloading 121 saving 105, 121 selecting as wallpaper 74 sending 100, 102 transferring 17, 277 troubleshooting 275 uploading 101
IMAP servers 88 importing phone numbers
Inbox 26, 108, 112
incoming messages 111, 112
incoming phone calls 46, 53, 54, 234
incompatible applications 16, 246
Incompatible Apps directory 16
indicator light 5, 8, 9 Info command 17 Info screens 196 information
accessing 237 backing up 16, 22, 251 beaming 201 changing 15 entering 15,
hard resets and 237 losing 220, 237, 251 marking as private 239–
240 masking 232, 239 protecting 232, 237 receiving over Bluetooth
connections 200 sending over Bluetooth
connections 198 storing 16, 215, 277 synchronizing 15, 19, 22,
infrared port
beaming from 201, 203 defined 284 location of 4 synchronizing with 211,
infrared transmission 284 inserting expansion cards
216 installer 192 installing
bonus software 23, 192 Palm Desktop software
16, 194, 248 smartphone battery 7 synchronization software
15, 19
VPN clients 245 VZAccess Manager
software 127 interference 267, 269 international characters. See
alternate characters international clock. See
World Clock international settings. See
language settings Internet 38, 193
See also web browsing; websites
Using Your Treo 700P Smartphone | 314 |