Internet connections 114, 126, 127, 284 troubleshooting 272
Internet email accounts 86 interruptions 280
Into album pick list 149 invalid characters 98 IR port
beaming from 201, 203 defined 284 location of 4 synchronizing with 211,
items in pick lists 29 items on screen
activating 26 highlighting 25, 26 selecting 26
iTunes 153, 156, 159
Java applets 121 JavaScript elements 125 JPG files 145
keyboard accessing alternate
characters on 31 dialing with 41 entering information
illustrated 30 incremental searches
from 42 locking 232
restoring factory defaults 230
keyboard backlight 30, 223, 244
Keyguard 232, 233 Keyguard Preferences
screen 233, 234 Known Caller pick list 70
Label color pick list 110 language selection screen 7,
language settings 225, 248, 251
laptops 210, 211 large attachments 277 length functions 188 liability ii
lightning bolt icons 10, 82
See also battery links 104
See also web links list screens
See also pick lists accessing command
buttons on 27 highlighting items in 26
selecting items on 25 list view (applications) 229 listening to
music 63, 153, 160 voice captions 145 voice memos 186 Lithium Ion battery 285 See also battery
loading web pages 104, 125, 274
Local button 210
local weather reports 87 locating
chat sessions 108 contacts 42, 74, 166 specific characters 191 text 124, 191
web pages 114 Location icon 77, 81 Location On option 77 locations, disabling/enabling
transmission of 76, 77 Lock & Turn Off option 237 lock codes 235
Lock Device dialog box 238 lock icon 115, 148, 199, 201 locking
keyboard 232 phone
Treo smartphone 237,
Using Your Treo 700P Smartphone | 315 |