Fixed display format 188 Flash mode 55, 56 flight mode 38
Float display format 188 folders 106, 107, 257, 261 Font command 113 Font size pick list 224 fonts 113, 224 forgetting passwords 87,
237, 241
Format Card command 220 Formats Preferences screen
225 formatting
expansion cards 219 formatting expansion cards
219, 220 forums 282 forwarding phone calls 57 freeing disk space
(smartphone) 277 freeing memory 126, 195,
277 freezes 246, 250 frequency bands 79 From pick list 218 full charge (battery) 8
Game Volume pick list 222
getting started 3, 12, 281 GIF files 145 Glossary 283 gradients 188 graphics. See images grouping photos or videos
finding compatible 63, 65 passkeys and 66
RF emissions and 291 troubleshooting
hard resets 237, 251 hardware 2 headphones 153 headset button 46, 64 headset jack 6 headsets
Bluetooth devices and 65, 67, 133
connecting to smartphone
receiving calls and 46, 49,
50 restrictions for 63
help 279, 281
hexadecimal characters 188 Hide Records option 239 hiding
blank time slots 174 information in entry
screens 239 Pics&Videos toolbar 147 private entries 239 web browser toolbar 122
High Priority command 99 high speed data transfer 283 highlighted buttons 26 highlighting
applications 34, 35 favorite buttons 43 items in pick lists 29 items on screen 25, 26 menu items 28 phone numbers 44 text 27, 123
web links 26, 115 hints 237
History command 123 History list 123 Hold button 50, 53 holidays 171
home city 189
Using Your Treo 700P Smartphone | 313 |