
tips 1, 281

Tips command 281 Tips icon 281

to do items. See tasks toolbars 122, 147 touchscreen. See screen Touchscreen Preferences

screen 226 transmitting location 76 travel alarm 190

Treo 700p smartphone. See smartphone

trigonometric functions 188 troubleshooting 246, 281 Trusted Device list 133, 137,


trusted devices 133 See also partnerships

Trusted Devices button 131, 134

Trusted Pairs. See partnerships

TTY devices 78 TTY icon 78

TTY Mode pick list 78 TTY/TDD Mode icon 81 turning on or off

Caps Lock 30 keyboard backlight 30 Keyguard 37, 232, 233 microphone 143 phone 36, 38

screen 36, 37, 244, 268 smartphone 7 speakerphone 49

Typing starts contacts search option 74


unauthorized users 232 Unfiled category 198, 200,

203 uninstalling

Palm desktop software 259

third-party applications 250

Unknown Caller pick list 70 unlocking

the keyboard 232 the phone 235, 236 Treo smartphone 237

unread messages 82, 112, 174

untimed events 170, 171, 175 Untimed Events check box

175 updates 247 updating

information 15, 22 system date and time 189

upgrades 16–19, 59, 259 troubleshooting 246–247


images 101 music files 157 videos 101

uppercase letters 30 urgent messages 112 URLs 104, 124

See also web links USB hub 21

USB ports 21

Use color for pick list 110 user discussion groups 282 user folders 246, 257, 286 User Guide 281 usernames 95


Verizon Wireless customer service for 282 preset buttons and 59 smartphone

requirements for 1 technical support for 282 troubleshooting Internet

connections and 273 voicemail services and 47

Verizon Wireless onscreen message 80

VersaMail application accessing email and 84,

269 documentation for 277 overview 93

Using Your Treo 700P Smartphone


Page 336
Image 336
Palm 700P manual Information 15, 22 system date and time