Voicemail Alert pick list 71 Voicemail button 47 Voicemail icon 48, 81 voicemail page icon 112 Voicemail screen 48 volume
alarm tones 176 alert tones 70 music 160 phone 13, 71, 266 ringer 72 ringtones 69 video clips 142 voice memos 186
Volume button 5, 13, 71 volume conversions
(calculator) 188 Volume pick list 69, 70 volume preferences 222 VPN client software 245 VZAccess Manager icon 129 VZAccess Manager software
VZAccess Manager window 130
waking up screen 37, 49 wallpaper 40, 74, 150 warranty 2
weather reports 87 web addresses 116, 124
See also URLs; web links web browser
accessing email with 84
for 125 beaming from 201 bookmarking and 116,
119 customizing
from 44, 123 hiding toolbar in 122 installing applications
from 193 opening 34, 114 overview 113, 114 restrictions for 121 selecting default views
for 118
selecting home page for 124
streamed content and 122
troubleshooting 273 unsupported elements
for 273
web browser application. See Blazer web browser; web browser
web browser icons 116 web browsing
See also web browser
from smartphone 38, 113 memory consumption
and 278 requirements for 3 secure sites and 115, 121 selecting default
application for 231 troubleshooting
web browsing service 1 web forms 115
Web icon 114 web links
assigning to favorite buttons 61
creating email from 113 highlighting 26
Palm online support 281 selecting 115
web pages
accessing 113, 116, 273 bookmarking
changing layouts for 115 copying text from 123 dialing from 44 disabling images for 116,
124, 125 displaying 114, 116 finding text on 124 loading 125, 274
Using Your Treo 700P Smartphone | 332 |