
components (Treo smartphone) 2

Compose dialog box 98, 99, 101

Compress Day View check box 174

compressed files 193, 194 computers

BroadbandAccess Connect and 127

connecting smartphone to 15, 21

downloading applications to 194

installing applications from 194

installing synchronization software on 19

quarantined files on 16, 19

synchronizing with 15, 22 transferring information

to 22

transferring multimedia to 152

transferring music from 157, 158

Con button (calculator) 188 conduits 168, 261

Conf button 55 conference calls 53, 55, 56 Confirm message deletion

check box 109 conflicting applications 246 conflicting events 174 connecting

headsets 63–64

to Bluetooth devices 65, 133–137

to computers 21 to virtual private networks 245

to websites 114, 126, 127, 284

connections changing frequency

bands for 79 messaging preferences

for 110 receiving information

over Bluetooth 200 restrictions for 51 sending information over

Bluetooth 198 setting up Bluetooth 208 troubleshooting 265, 272 TTY devices and 78 unsupported 133 viewing status of 80, 81,

270, 272 constants 188 consumption factors

(battery) 11

Contact Edit dialog box 164, 165

contact names 42 contacts

See also Contacts application

adding photos to 150 assigning caller IDs to 72,

73 creating 164 deleting 166 editing 166

entering phone numbers for 52, 60

looking up 60 marking as private 165 saving 105 scrolling through 25 searching for 42, 74, 166 synchronizing 163, 213,


viewing details about 42 Contacts application

adding events to 171 changing fonts for 224 opening 163 synchronizing

information in 22 Contacts button 164 Contacts list 26, 27, 166 contracts 1 conversion functions

(calculator) 187, 188 cookies 121, 125, 126

Using Your Treo 700P Smartphone


Page 313
Image 313
Palm 700P manual See also Contacts application