Photo Settings screen 143 photos
adding as wallpaper 150 adding caller ID 72, 165 adding captions to 139,
adding to albums 150 adding to contacts 150 attaching to multimedia
messages 102 backing up 152 copying 149 deleting 140, 151 displaying information
about 150 downloading 121 grouping 145 personalizing 139 positioning on screen
removing from albums 150, 151
rotating 151 saving 140 scrolling through 25 selecting as backgrounds
sending 138, 140, 148 setting default size 143 setting preferences for
taking 139, 276 viewing 138, 143, 145,
152 pick lists 26, 29 Pics&Videos application
copying pictures and videos in 149
creating wallpaper with 150
hiding toolbar in 147 opening 145 organizing media with
removing photos or
videos from 151 rotating photos in 151 sending pictures or
videos from 148 synchronizing
information in 22 viewing pictures in 145 viewing slide shows in
viewing videos in 146 Pics&Videos icon 145 picture formats 145 Picture list 148 pictures 72, 105, 138, 276
See also images; photos PIM applications 286 PIMs 248
Pix Place 286
Pix Place accounts 101
Play button (Pocket Tunes) 160
Play icon (web browser) 122 playback
pausing 122, 141, 146, 160
resuming 122, 160 stopping 105, 161, 186
multimedia messages 104, 105
music 122, 160, 161 streamed content 122 video clips 142, 146 voice captions 145 voice memos 186
Pocket Tunes application changing playlists in 162 creating playlists in 161 opening 157 overview 153, 157 playing music from 160,
161 POP servers 88 ports 21
Power Preferences screen 11, 244
Power/End button 5, 37, 38 PowerPoint files 183
Using Your Treo 700P Smartphone | 322 |