setting up accounts for 93, 95, 96
Version button 197 version numbers 197 Vibrate pick list 69, 71, 176 vibrating alarm 69, 71, 176 video albums 141, 145, 149,
video file types 100, 121, 146 video recording screen 141 Video Settings screen 143 videos
adding to albums 150 adjusting volume for 142 attaching to email 142 attaching to multimedia
messages 100 backing up 152 copying 149
default formats for 152 deleting 142, 151 displaying information
about 150 downloading 121 grouping 145 jumping to specific
sections of 141 pausing 141, 146 playing 122, 142, 146 recording 102, 141 removing from albums
150, 151
saving 142
sending 138, 142, 148 setting default size of 143 setting preferences for
143 uploading 101 viewing 143, 146, 152
View By pick list 229 viewing
alerts 83
application information 196
application menus 28 applications 228, 229 bookmarks 118 connection status 80, 81,
270, 272
contacts information 42 current date and time 189 due dates 179, 181 error messages 280 event categories 174 events 74, 167, 173, 175 favorite buttons 43, 59 items in pick lists 29 multimedia messages
104, 105
Quick Tour 281 signal strength 80 slide shows 147 tasks 174, 179, 181 unread messages 82, 174 video clips 143, 146, 152 video recording time 141 voicemail messages 81 web addresses 124 web pages 114, 116
virtual private networks (VPNs) 127, 245
Visibility pick list 137, 200 voice captions
adding 139, 140, 150 background music and
147 playing 145
Voice Memo application
Voice Memo button 185 Voice Memo list 186 voice memos 102, 185, 186 Voice Privacy icon 77, 81 voice quality 266 voicemail
checking 81
retrieving messages 48, 81
sending calls to 46 setting alert tones for 71 setting up 47
Using Your Treo 700P Smartphone | 331 |