Using Your Treo 700P Smartphone 101
Did You Know?
You can send a contact
or calendar entry.
Select the entry, open
the Record menu,
select Send, and then
select Messaging.
When creating a
message, you can
preview or delete an
item. Highlight the
item, press Center on
the 5-way, and then
select Remove, View,
or Play.
You can set the priority
of outgoing messages
to High or Normal.
1. Press Messaging .
2. Select New.
3. Select Add Media.
4. Select the To field to address the message with up to 25 addresses:
Press Center . If the recipient’s name appears in the list of
recent addresses, select it from the list.
If the recipient is in your Contacts list, enter the first initial and
last name (no spaces), and then select the recipient’s phone
number or email address.
If the recipient’s name is not in the list of recent addresses or
your Contacts list, enter the phone number, email address, or
If you want to upload a picture or video to your Verizon
Wireless PIX Place account, press Center , and then select
5. Enter a subject.