qMonitor number
01 to 32: Monitor number
wCamera/recorder/sequence number 001 to 999: Camera number
H01 to 16: Recorder number
t01 to 32: Tour sequence number
r01 to r08: Group sequence number
Note: During sequence pause, "P" is displayed instead of "t" and "r".
r09 to 32: Group preset number
Note: This sign disappears when you control a camera.
The following signs appear to indicate events on the LCD.
A0001 to 0256 (Blinking): Terminal alarm
A0001 to 0999 (Blinking): Camera alarm
A0001 to 0999 (Blinking): Recorder alarm
A0001 to 1024 (Blinking): Serial alarm
A0001 to 0999 (Blinking): Video loss
Note: During the alarm acknowledgement (ACK) status (refer to p. 31), these signs change to steady light.
Pt000 to 256 (Lighting for 3.0 seconds): Preset position
Note: Pre000 is the home position.
Pr001 to 256 (Lighting for 3.0 seconds): Preset position is registered.
When the MONITOR and BUSY indicators are light- ing: A selected monitor is controlled by a higher- level user. (Monitor busy)
Note: You cannot control the selected monitor, camera, and recorder.
When the CAMERA and BUSY indicators are light- ing: A selected camera or recorder is controlled by a
Note: You cannot control the selected camera or recorder.
When the PROHIBITED indicator is lighting:
•You have entered a wrong value.
•You have tried to activate a group sequence or group preset on a monitor not assigned.
•You have tried an operation restricted by the level setting.