Reference No.
1 to 8: Camera unit number
Note: Camera unit address cannot be set for camera channels accepting video input signals from
recorders. To activate RS-485 camera connections, change the settings in "System" – "Recorder".
ON: Overlap
OFF: Not overlap
S: Less than 400 m {1 300 ft}
M: 400 m {1 300 ft} to 700 m {2 300 ft}
L: 700 m {2 300 ft} to 900 m {3 000 ft}
Note: Refer to p. 61 for details on the cable length.
Tooltip Details
1 to 8: Port No.
4800 bps, 9600 bps, 19200 bps, 38400 bps: Transmission speed
Character entry limit: 20 characters Available characters: Alphanumeric characters and symbols
1,2: Level
1 to 8: Video input board No.
Available parameters: Blank, 1 to 999
ON: Use
OFF: Not use
Note: ON is not available for recorders when camera input channels are set for RS-485 cameras. To acti-
vate recorder connections, set "--" for DATA Port and Address in "System" – "RS485 Camera".
Available parameters: Blank, 1 to 999
Note: Select the camera numbers that has been set in "System" – "Logical Camera Number".
[DATA1] TMNL1, PSD: Port type
[DATA1] TMNL2: Port type
[DATA3] TMNL3, HDR1: Port type
[DATA4] TMNL4, HDR 2: Port type
[DATA5] TMNL 5: Port type
[DATA6] TMNL 6: Port type
[DATA7] TMNL7, HDR3: Port type
[DATA8] TMNL8, HDR4: Port type
4800 bps, 9600 bps, 19200 bps: Transmission speed
To change the transmission speed, conform the settings of this unit to that of connected devices.
[Input Board 1] 1 to 4: Port number
[Input Board 2] 5 to 8: Port number
[Input Board 3] 9 to 12: Port number
[Input Board 4] 13 to 16: Port number
[Input Board 5] 17 to 20: Port number
[Input Board 6] 21 to 24: Port number
[Input Board 7] 25 to 28: Port number
[Input Board 8] 29 to 32: Port number
Note: Port numbers cannot be set for camera channels accepting video input signals from recorders. To
activate RS-485 camera connections,change the settings in "System" – "Recorder".
Note: Do not edit the setup data files by using text editors,
etc. You may become unable to open the setup data
When you point the cursor on a button or pull-down menu,
a tooltip appears. Tool tips that have additional explana-
tions include reference numbers such as "1". Refer to the
following diagram for these additional explanations.