Use the timeline to select the date and time to begin playback. Time periods containing recorded video are represented as
Figure 9. Playback Timeline
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Select All: Allows all channels to be played back simultaneously.
Camera Number: Displays the selected camera name and number.
Remote Site: Displays the selected site name.
Date Box: Opens the calendar.
Time Box: Allows you to select the playback or search time in a
Increase Detail: Allows you to expand the time scale to view smaller increments of time.
Decrease Detail: Allows you to decrease the time scale to view larger increments of time.
Alarm Recording: Displays alarm event video in red.
Motion Detection Recording: Displays motion event video in blue.
Normal/Instant Recording: Displays normal and instant video in green.
Pointer: Provides a visible time indicator within the recorded data displayed in the timeline.
Scroll Bar: Allows you to scroll through the timeline.
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