Printing Options

Image Rotation

If you have set paper in the standard tray K, incoming fax messages will be rotated automatically to fit onto the paper.


You can choose to have received messages printed from a specified tray. See p.147 “Reception Set- tings”.

Combine Two Originals

When two messages of the same size and orientation are received consecu- tively, they are printed on a single sheet when you turn this function on. This can help you economize on pa- per.

Two A5K messages are printed side by side on a sheet of A4L.

Two B5 JISKmessages are printed side by side on a sheet of B4 JISL.

Two A4K messages are printed side by side on a sheet of A3L.

Two 81/2"⋅51/2"K messages are

printed side by side on a sheet of 81/2"⋅11"L.

Two 81/2"⋅11"K messages are

printed side by side on a sheet of 11"⋅17"L.


This function does not work with

messages larger than A5K, B5

JISK, A4K, 81/2" ⋅ 11"K or 81/2" ⋅ 51/2"K. When A5K, B5 JISK, A4K, 81/2" ⋅ 11"K or 81/2" ⋅

51/2"K size paper is loaded in the machine, each page of the received

message is printed on a single




If paper matching the size and ori- entation of a received document is unavailable, Combine Two Origi- nals is not possible.

When Combine Two Originals and 2 Sided Print are selected at the same time, 2 Sided Print takes pri- ority and Combine Two Originals is canceled.


You can turn this function on or off with the User Parameters. See p.166 “User Parameters” (switch 10, bit 1).

This function uses Memory Recep- tion.