Polling Transmission

Polling Transmission

Use Polling Transmission when you want to leave an original in the machine memory for others to pick up. The message will be sent when the other party calls you up.


Before using ID Polling Transmis- sion, you must register a polling ID. See p.192 “Programming a Polling ID”.

There are three types of Polling Transmission.

Free Polling Transmission

It is not necessary to enter the Poll- ing ID during the procedure. Anybody can poll the message from your machine.

Default ID Transmission

It is not necessary to enter the Poll- ing ID during the procedure.

The message will only be sent if the Polling ID of the machine trying to poll your message is the same as the Polling ID stored in your ma- chine. Make sure in advance that both machines' Polling IDs are identical.

Before using Default ID Transmis- sion, you need to program the Poll- ing ID. See p.192 “Programming a Polling ID”.

ID Override Transmission

You must enter an Override Poll-



ing ID unique to the transmission.


This ID overrides the ID stored in


the machine. The user must supply


this ID when they poll your ma-


chine. If the IDs match, the mes-


sage is sent. Make sure in advance


the other end knows the ID you are





Polling Transmission is allowed only if the receiver's machine has the Polling Reception function.

Usually, only machines of the same manufacturer that support Polling Reception can perform ID Polling Transmission. However, when the Information Box File function is used, and the other party's fax ma- chine supports Polling Transmis- sion and the SEP function, you can still carry out Polling Transmission with an ID. See p.42 “Information Boxes”.

This function is not available with Internet Fax.


Free Polling and Default ID Trans- mission allow only one file to be stored in memory.

ID Override Polling Transmission allows a file to be stored in memo- ry for each ID; you can store up to 400 files by changing IDs.

When setting using default values, you can set whether a Polling Transmission file is deleted in User Parameters. See p.166 “User Pa- rameters” (switch 11, bit 7). To save a file for frequent sending, set to “Standby (Save)”.