Other Transmission Features

The specified documents are sent with the scan settings made when they were stored.

A Press [Sub TX Mode].

4B Press [Select Stored File].C Select the documents to be sent.


When multiple documents are selected, they are sent in the or- der of selection.

Press [TX Order] to arrange the order of the documents to be sent.

Press [File Name] to place the documents in alphabetical or- der.

Press [User Name] to place the documents in order by pro- grammed user name.

Press [Date] to place the docu- ments in order of programmed date.

Specifying documents from the file list

APress [UPrev.] or [TNext] to dis- play the documents to be sent.BSelect the file.

Specifying documents from the User Name

ASelect [Search by User Name].BSelect the user name of the pro- grammed document, and then press [OK].


To search by user name, press

[Non-programmed Name], and then enter the user name. Partial matching is used when searching for a user name. See p.172 “Using Par- tial matching”.


“Entering Text”, General Settings Guide

C Select the file to be sent.