Sending Fax Documents from Computers

Editing Fax Cover Sheets

LAN-Fax Cover Sheet Editor allows you to edit the format for fax cover sheets. It is necessary to create a cover sheet file before attaching a cover sheet to fax messages using LAN-Fax Driver.

Creating a cover sheet

Use the following procedure to create a fax cover sheet.

You can edit the items below using LAN-Fax Cover Sheet Editor.

Company name as destination info.

Department name as destination info.

Person name as destination info.

Title of address as destination info.

Company name as sender info.

Department name as sender info.

Person name as sender info.

Telephone number as sender info.

Fax number as sender info.




Cover sheet data is stored in its own format (using “fcp” as its ex- tension)

A On the [Start] menu, point to [Programs ], [LAN-Fax Utilities], and then click [LAN-Fax Cover Sheet Editor].

The dialog box of LAN-Fax Cover Sheet Editor appears.

B Edit the cover sheet.


For details about operations, see Help.

C Click [Save as...] on the [File] menu.

D Select a folder, and then enter a file name.

E Click [Save].

Attaching a created cover sheet

Use the following procedure to attach a created cover sheet file to a fax mes- sage.

A On the [File] menu, click [Print...].


B Select “LAN-Fax M6” in “Printer


Name”, and then click [OK].


The [LAN-Fax]dialog box appears.


C Click [Edit Cover Sheet].


The [Edit Cover Sheet] dialog box




D Select a cover sheet file from the

drop-down list or after clicking


[Browse...] in [Select Cover Sheet].



The selection made in [Select Cover Sheet] is not canceled un- less you select another file. If you want to change only desti- nation information, skip this step and proceed to step E.

E Select the type of information from [To:].


You can select [Use Address Book], [To Whom It May Concern], [Edit Names], or [None]. Selecting [Edit Names] allows you to enter com- pany, department, and person names.

F To print the date, select the [With a Date] check box.