| CZECH | |
Advanced Shooting |
| Techniky záznamu | |||
4. Turn the UP/DOWN dial up or |
| 4. Otáãejte voliãem UP/DOWN naho- | ||
down until the object is focused. |
| ru nebo dolÛ tak dlouho, aÏ je | ||
5. If the picture won't focus, zoom out |
| pfiedmût zaostfien. | ||
| ||
until it becomes clear. |
| 5. Obraz bude zaostfien˘ i pfii pouÏití | ||
| ||
6. To return to AF(Auto Focus), press |
| funkce Zoom Out. | ||
the MF button again. |
| 6. K návratu na funkci AF stisknûte | ||
The MF symbol will disappear from |
| |||
the viewfinder. |
| znovu tlaãítko MF. | ||
Note: The MF function will not |
| Poznámka: Funkce MF nepracuje v | ||
| operate in EASY mode. |
| reÏimech EASY. |
| BLC |
BLC works in CAMERA mode. |
| Tato funkce je pfiístupná v reÏimu CAMERA. | |||
Back lighting exists when the subject is darker than the | O protisvûtle (Back Lighting) hovofiíme v pfiípadech, kdy je | ||||
background, such as when: |
| filmovan˘ objekt tmav‰í neÏ pozadí: | |||
- | The subject is placed in front | * BLC off | * BLC on | - | Objekt umístûn pfied oknem. |
| of a window. | - | Filmovaná osoba obleãena v | ||
| |||
- | The person to be shot is |
| bílém nebo velmi svûtlém odûvu |
| wearing white or shiny |
| a umístûna proti jasnému |
| clothes and is placed |
| pozadí; obliãej je pfiíli‰ tmav˘, |
| against a bright background; |
| - | aby se daly rozeznat jeho rysy. |
| the person’s face is too dark |
| Objekt venku a pozadí tvofií | |
| to distinguish their features. |
| - | jasná obloha. |
- | The subject is outdoors and |
| Osvûtlení pfiíli‰ silné. | |
| the background is overcast. |
| - | Objekt proti snûÏnému pozadí. |
- | The light source is too bright. |
| 1. Nastavte spínaã na reÏim | |
- | The subject is against a snowy |
| ||
| background. |
| 2. | CAMERA. |
1. Set the power switch to CAMERA |
| Stisknûte tlaãítko BLC - | ||
| zv˘razní objekt. | ||
mode and press the BLC button. |
| ||
| ■ Normal - BLC - Normal | ||
■ | Normal - BLC - Normal (BLC |
| |
| ■ BLC zv˘razní pouze objekt. | ||
| enhances only the subject). |
| |
| Poznámka: Funkce BLC nepracuje v reÏimech P.AE | |||
| |||
Note: BLC function will not operate in P.AE or EASY mode. | nebo EASY. |